Together, let's reduce our environmental footprint.

We were the first manufacturer to disclose the fuel consumption of our machines.Today, we support the introduction of a sector-wide standard.
Our aim:To share data with you that is essential to your purchasing decision, as it represents 1/3 of your total cost of ownership.

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Curve fuel a3c536b7d5

Our priority: energy efficiency

Unlike the automotive industry, the handling machine sector does not yet have standard rating system.We have therefore created an internal protocol enabling us to compare our fuel consumption measurements. In order to provide you with clear, reliable and transparent information, this data has been verified by a recognised organisation.

Card1 0a9769ce7b

01 Measure

Development of an internal protocol to measure the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of our machines.

Card2 745c61cd17

02 Increase reliability

Protocol validated by UTAC, a recognised external body.

Card3 fdf5b74da3

03 Inform

Tools for ensuring transparency in the communication of the fuel consumption of our machines.

Card4 ceea5a39a5

04 Assist

Inform and advise all our clients and service providers.

Card5 7f5b4baf46

05 Improve

Continuous improvement to reduce the environmental impact of our machines


Use our calculator: customise your usage cycle according to your activity, and measure your fuel consumption, the financial gain achieved and your CO2 emissions.

Calculate your consumption